
学费 $950 (per credit hour)
技术费 $160 (per semester)
Field Technology Software 费* $150
General Service 费 $80 (per semester)
Malpractice Insurance $50 (once each fall semester)

*The Field Technology Software fee is assessed only one time for the online M.S.W. 程序.

  • 学生 are awarded financial aid funding to cover direct costs (tuition and fees) and textbooks.
  • A textbook allowance of $350 per semester is included in the offered financial aid package.
    Standard enrollment for each semester is based on six credits. 学生 who are accelerated will begin at 12 credits per semester.
  • This 程序 is based on two terms (A and B) per semester. Financial aid is awarded accordingly. 去 www.一个.edu/disbursement for dates loan funding will pay to your account (refunds arrive 7-10 days after the disbursement date).
  • Indirect expenses included in the annual cost of attendance are
    • Living Expenses: $1,200/month
    • Transportation: $100/month
    • Personal: $100/month

Additional 信息rmation

Finance Your Education

We are here to help you finance your online education so that you can earn a degree that's convenient, 负担得起的, and still allows you to balance all of the other important aspects of your life. Several options exist to help you meet your educational costs. Student Financial Services has also created a step-by-step process for applying for aid.

Veteran’s Benefits

If you are planning to utilize Veteran’s Education Benefits, please explore our information and requirements.


Student Financial Services

For information about the financial aid process call (207) 602-2342 or email Student Financial Services.