


Growing up in Freeport, Maine, nature has always been a large part of 菲比沃尔什’s ’20 world. The formative experiences of her life have inspired her passion for environmental protection. While pursuing her undergraduate degree in Environmental Studies at Franklin & 宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特的马歇尔学院.菲比努力拓展自己的视野. 在坦桑尼亚待了一个学期, Phoebe worked on wildlife preservation and put her minor of anthropology to work collecting stories from the Maasai people, to highlight the importance of wildlife not only ecologically, 而且在文化上. The experience allowed her to further explore her interests in environmentalism while combining those interests with anthropology. Following graduation, she also spent time researching on Fogo Island. When she returned to Maine to take part in the Institute of North Atlantic Studies (UNE NORTH) Professional 科学 Master’s in Ocean Food Systems (PSM), it was with newfound purpose and equipped with lessons she learned from around the world.

Though Phoebe’s experiences have spanned the globe, she has never lost sight of home and working to help local communities continue to thrive.

“I was drawn to UNE NORTH’s PSM program because of how multidisciplinary it is. This program looks at ocean food systems through different perspectives; whether the perspective is science-based, 生态学, 经济, 或者讨论社会影响. The whole idea of UNE NORTH’s PSM program is to think global and act local. 我有很多国际经验, 无论是在坦桑尼亚还是马来西亚, 但我的心真的在缅因州. It’s been wonderful to come back to Maine for this program. 我希望在整个项目中, I'll be able to meet people and develop connections that will allow me to work in Maine while keeping in mind those experiences that I've had abroad.”

UNE NORTH’s PSM program is enabling Phoebe to develop her knowledge further. Spending time in communities like Cobscook Bay, 像冰岛这样的国家, she has been able to take in new perspectives that will enable her to make a real difference here at home. With the Gulf of Maine being one of the fastest-warming bodies of water on the planet, Phoebe’s background in environmental sciences will be invaluable. Her clear passion for the field of ocean food systems helped her to earn a Henry L. 和格蕾丝·多尔蒂基金会奖学金. The fellowship is something Phoebe credits with making her time at UNE possible.

“Supporting this program is really going to help the marine sciences. It's a unique program, and I believe the results of this program will be amazing. 就我个人而言, without the Doherty Foundation and this fellowship, I wouldn't have been able to afford this opportunity. With the PSM program and the experience I’ll gain from it, I'll be able to really shape my future. I hope it will let me support and give back to a community that means so much to me.”

许多年前, a serendipitous meeting during a four-day sea kayaking trip on Chesapeake Bay began a relationship that has yielded enormous dividends for the trajectory of marine science programs at UNE. 沃尔特·布朗,亨利·L. 和格蕾丝·多尔蒂基金会, found himself paddling with outdoor enthusiast and former advancement officer Nicole Connelly, whose description of UNE’s unique coastal campus and marine facility intrigued him. As one of the nation’s leading funders for marine sciences and education, the Doherty Foundation invests in institutions capable of robust oceanographic activities. After a September visit to the Marine 科学 Center and subsequent proposal, Walter and his fellow board members gifted $1 million to endow the Henry L. and Grace Doherty Chair of Marine 科学s at UNE. It was a momentous event in the University’s history.

快进十年后. Dr. 巴里Costa-Pierce, recruited to become UNE’s first Doherty Chair of Marine 科学s after an international search, has helped shape UNE’s marine science program into a world-class operation in collaboration with his esteemed faculty colleagues. 不足为奇的是, the launch of UNE’s unique Professional 科学 Masters in Ocean Food Systems recently attracted the Doherty Foundation’s renewed investment in UNE’s growth. 带着400美元,000年的礼物, the foundation is funding substantial tuition and travel support to 12 Doherty Fellows enrolled in the program over the next three years, providing these promising young people unparalleled opportunities for study offered nowhere else around the globe. 我们怀着深深的感激之情,感谢亨利. And Grace Doherty Foundation for the dividends their giving has yielded for UNE, 学生, 海洋世界.