
Institutional 研究 and Data Analytics 常见问题解答

What are census reporting dates?

Many of the reports on this site feature "census" data. 每年, the IR office creates a series of frozen data files that are date-specific based on directives from the U.S. Department of Education and IPEDS. 普查日期为:

  1. ​​​​​October 15: Fall semester student enrollment snapshot and demographics, 保留, 毕业率.
  2. November 1: Employee (faculty and professional staff) snapshot.
  3. February 15: Spring semester student enrollment snapshot, fall to spring (first-term) 保留 rates.
  4. July 1–June 30: 12-month (academic year) enrollment headcount, 12-month credit hour production, 12-month degrees awarded count.
Why is the 12-month headcount larger than the fall or spring semester snapshot enrollment headcount?

UNE enrolls a large number of students in post-baccalaureate, 与学位, 在线, science pre-requisite courses over a 12-month period. These courses start and stop throughout the year. 而12个月的, academic year headcount includes all students who took at least one course at UNE over the July 1–June 30 time period, the semester snapshots include students enrolled in courses only on the census dates (October 15 for fall or February 15 for spring.) As the science pre-requisite students come and go frequently, the census snapshots only capture a small number of them. Degree-seeking enrollment numbers, 然而,​are more consistent between the 12-month and semester headcounts.

This is also relevant to the November employee snapshot data and reports created by IR. Because this snapshot report is based on employees on payroll as of November 1 each year, there are adjunct faculty who may not be counted, especially if they only work during a spring or summer semester.

Why does the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) list UNE's undergraduate enrollment at over 4,000名学生 when UNE reports undergraduate enrollment at over 2,000名学生?

When UNE submits enrollment data to the federal government, they require that we include any student taking undergraduate level courses in our undergraduate enrollment counts as of the fall census date. 因此, we include the students taking the 与学位, 在线, science prerequisite courses in the undergrad totals as they are taking undergraduate level courses. 正规澳门赌场网络内部报告, IR refers to these students as Post-Baccalaureate level students to differentiate them from our undergraduate population.

What does Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) mean?

FTE is a way of calculating enrollment or employment figures that reduces the impact of part-timers. There is a headcount method and credit hour method for calculating FTE. Individual reports that reference FTE will note the method used to calculate it.